shrine to kawaragi momoka
kawaragi momoka is a character from the 2024 anime girls band cry. she's 20 years old, a highschool dropout who ran to tokyo to start a band with her friends, but refused to let the demands of a label steal her creativity and ditches her best friends over it. left alone, she considers quitting music, but meets someone with the same spark that she had and finds a musician she can support wholeheartedly.
she holds a lot of anger in her heart, but tries not to let it affect her relationships, when that doesnt fail outright it just makes her seem halfhearted and disconnected, though. she's diiirt poor; her phone's all cracked, she has a shitty job handing out napkins, her house is falling apart with no heat and broken doors and she can't even afford it herself, but she still pays for her friends at restaurants
she has noo self control when it comes to drinking, she likes cats and is scared of snakes. she doesnt care what anyone thinks of her but she totally does. she keeps to herself but wants to feel connected to people through music. she loves sharing the feeling performing gives her. she has a drivers license, but isnt very good, and cannotttt drive stick
she also maybe likes girls? maybe? hopefully?
kawaragi momoka = me