emilys journal

july the fifteenth, two thousand twenty four, it was a monday

you know, today.

oh my fucking god dudes i have been putting off this site sooo hard i think its been like months? theres just so many moving parts and theyre not even anywhere near done. can this just be a phones only sorta site?? i dont have a pc if it looks good on pc its bc i trebled the amount of css work i did. i wanted every page to look substantively different but its, its just gonna be random i dont have the time or the energy

only reason its up now is cos i wanted somewhere to put the harvard sentences thing

honestly only half of it was the, 22 files i made from scratch to get it to this point. the other half is just doubt doubt doubt!! idk if i wanna be this cringey lol. i promised myself a long time ago to never be embarrassed by something i created from the heart, but its so hard im such a fucking dork!! i cringe on a weekly basis at cath/art. idk if i wanna connect one part of my life to another, idk what im doing irl, idk what to do to make things better

but yk whatever ill live. and even if its not perfect i want a home on the web where i can give back some of what iv gotten

in other news recently ive been diving in deep to prefuse 73, theres so much there that ive never even uncovered, idk how to even describe it. hes danced on the edge of identities and cultures and never bowed to external pressures. i dont ever wanna get good at marketing myself, i wanna get good at roping my friends into musical projects. i never knew how much stuff p73 and claudia deheza of sviib collaborated on. they did this project called a cloud mireya and not everything is online. i want money to buy albums with ;-;

ill leave it there its fuckin, late asf.

love love love love love

- tala