emilys journal

making another javascript toy induces me to update my site again

one of the ways iv found to pass the time at this here, uh, homeless shelter is ive just been doing a lot of scales on guitar lmao. its the 1st time ive dedicated so much time to legit practice on guitar!! im starting to get to the point where major and minor scales feel cohesive under my fingers when i screw around so ive wound up with a bunch of riffs. i wanna start a rock band.......

*sigh* u think itd be fine to rant about the real shit that actually happens to me here? im so fucking sick of ppl playing games with my life. why does having dealings with law enforcement give u the feeling like u know how other ppl should be thinking and feeling? i dont need your help learning to be a good person, if youre so unempathetic as to live your life spying on ppl u deem lesser i think im already a way more functional adult than u.

i updated my facebook so i could post stuff like that there but im so fuckin scared ill say something dumb and get me and my dad in trouble. im scared like that all the time. somehow i feel just like i did when my mom lived with us, overanalyzing every fucking thing i say for a way to hurt my dad, but instead of my mom its a bunch of old white fake hobos? how is this my life?

oh except for putting cool books you think id like in the thrift store i kinda appreciate that. i picked up a book on mahaprajapati, gautama buddhas mother. it's written kinda girlbossy but its good history anyway

also while were at it hey fbi u think u could get me an interview at one of the places i applied thatd b cool. im tryna get some land. not gonna steal it tho sorry

music wise iv been listening to a lot of open mike eagle + r.a.p. ferreira l8ly. its cozy.

maybe like these blogs should b the front page and the random stuff could just link off of it? trying to think of better site structures i dont like how many introductory paragraphs im having to bs

love love love love love

~ tala